Great summation that makes me want to go to Cross Plains some time. I’ll have to settle for trying to meet up at Gen Con this August!

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Hope to see you at Gen Con. I'll be set up at Booth #1145 with Howard Tayler and Tracy Hickman.

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It was so great to meet you and hang out! I'm glad you got the best out of a Howard Days celebration and I know everyone was thrilled you were able to make the trip to be here. I've been to Toronto. I've stood in its streets, with the temperature in the forties, and overcast, with a light, crisp wind out of the north at 15 mph. So I know what you left behind to come to Texas in June, where the mosquitos fly in a V-formation, like fighter jets looking for a missing man, and the gravy flows freely and generously at every meal. Your sacrifice has been noted.

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I'll be nursing these mosquito bites for a few more days, but the heat and insects were worth it to hang with you and the rest of the gang. You all kick so much ass and it was wonderful getting to chat and celebrate REH and his work.

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